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Ramos Family

Ramos Family

Jared and Viviana Ramos were called in 2011 to serve the Lord in Puerto Rico. Jared served as the Academic Director at Fowler’s Academy from 2012 to 2017 and then began serving as Youth Pastor at Christian Community Church while Viviana led the Children's Ministry there and homeschooled their three children Olivia, Joshua, and Emma. The Ramos family have been passionate about using the arts in education and prayed for many years for the Lord to lead them in how to make His vision come to life in Puerto Rico. In 2019, they were finally able to begin The Well Center for the Arts with the mission of "training others to use their gifts for God's glory and equip them to go and tell His story." You can learn more about The Well Center for the Arts by visiting: www.thewellpr.com.

To contact them write to vamosramospr@gmail.com